MN3041QA Development For Success In Business Homework Answer

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Question :

MN3041QA: Development for Success in Business

Assignment 1: Report

  • Word limit: 750 - 850 words. You will incur penalties if you exceed the word limit.

Essay question: Write an report analysing your Honey & Mumford (1986) learning style and motivations to attend lectures. Your analysis should incorporate the learning theories you have been learning in class.

Your report structure is outlined below:

  1. Introduction (around 200 words)

Write a brief autobiography of your past learning experiences. 

You should write about:

  • Your highest/most recent educational experience (Primary, secondary/high school, GCSEs, A Levels, GNVQ/BTEC, ESOL, Functional Skills, Access to Higher Education, certificate & diploma)
  • Which country/language you were educated in and how this has impacted your learning today.
  • What your learning experiences at these educational institutions was like e.g. enjoyable, challenging etc. Explain why.
  • Your goals/motivations – what did you want to gain from this experience?
  • Your attendance – was it poor, okay or 100%? Explain why.
  • The activities you were often given (games, team-work tasks, role-playing exercises, presentations, problem solving tasks, group/paired discussion, puzzles, observing activities, feedback from classmates, leadership activities, interviews, self-analysis questionnaires, watching videos & listening to lectures, analysing texts like reports and research, question and answer sessions, tests and quizzes, brainstorming/mind-mapping, reading real-life case studies/accounts, debates, evaluating two sides, collecting data/researching, skill and technique development, personality questionnaires, seminars, essay/report writing, descriptive writing, research papers, coursework etc.)
  • How your past learning experiences have influenced your views on learning
  • Learning Theory Analysis (around 200-250 words)

In this section, you should:

  • analyse and synthesise any THREE learning theories you have been introduced to in class. Choose from the list below:
  • Learning Styles Theory
  • Experiential Learning
  • Information Processing Theory
  • Reflective Practice 
  • Left Brain/Right Brain
  • analyse and synthesise the different 6 types of attenders according to Dolnicar (2004) cited in the Understanding Student Attendance by Mearman et al. (2014). 

Self-Analysis (around 200 words)

In this section, you should:

  • identify and analyse your own preferred learning style according Honey & Mumford’s Learning Styles questionnaire.
  • identify the type of attender you are according to Dolnicar (2004) cited in the article Understanding Student Attendance by Mearman et al. (2014).

Conclusion (around 200 words)

Identify the weaknesses of your Honey & Mumford learning style and suggest ways to improve each weakness for the future.

Bibliography (not included in the word count)

List at least THREE references (sources) you used to write your essay. Use your formative assessment to help you. 

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Answer :


Academic Learning is essential to develop the skills and knowledge of a scholar. I am fortunate to get an upbringing in the country of Italy (Bertram Gallant, 2017).  I have completed my high school with a decent percentage of academic score. English and Italian are the languages that have impacted my learning and have helped me develop a passion for the city of London to chase my dream. The learning experiences in high school were enjoyable. I did not find much challenge in my academic career. The learning experiences were enjoyable since we accumulated knowledge, confidence, motivation, and access to school resources. The teachers cared for our progress cognitively and holistically, making them plan for the curriculum suitable for our growth requirements. My motivation that developed in high school was to attend the best business school to gain academic success and carve my path as a successful entrepreneur. My attendance score was okay since sometimes, due to physical ailments, I have missed being in school; otherwise, I was a regular student attending the school. We were provided with role-playing exercises, games, tests and quizzes, group discussion, debates, and descriptive writing. The past learning experiences have influenced my views as a reflector since I gained the ability to observe the situation and scope to reflect my views on them. 

Learning Theory Analysis

The three learning theories that can be focused on the academic journey's learning process comprise Experiential Learning, Information Processing Theory, and Reflective Practice. 

Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), as proposed by David Kolb in the year 1984, was influenced by other renowned theorists. The initial stages of this learning cycle help develop experience, while the later stages focus on transforming those experiences (Bajaj & Sharma, 2018). Kolb argues that an effective learner can enter the cycle at any given point. The four stages represent concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. A learner tends to accumulate new experience through concrete learning. The experience gained by the learner is applied in the second stage, where reflective observation helps in reflecting on personal experience. Conceptualization occurs when the learner integrates new ideas based on the gained experiences. Active experimentation occurs when the learner modifies the ideas and learning experiences by applying them in real-time situations. 

Information Processing Theory involves processing information that they receive through the surrounding rather than on the stimuli. John William Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin, in the year 1968, developed the Atkinson and Shiffrin Model divided into three subsections comprising sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory (Malmberg et al. 2019). Sensory memory acts as the information holder where information is received through senses like visual and auditory. Short-time memory retains the information for about 30 seconds. Long-time memory retains an unlimited amount of information for the entire life. 

Reflective Practice can ensue through Gibb's Reflective Cycle, where six stages are framed to gain experiences and act according to them when repeated incidents occur for the learners (He et al. 2018). The stages describe the event that occurred with the information involving the detailed situation, time, people, and outcome. The second stage forms the feelings on the incident. The third stage involves evaluation, the fourth analysis, the fifth conclusion, and the last stage is based on an action plan.  

According to Dolnicar in his journal, the six types of attenders cites the learners as activists, reflectors, theorists, pragmatists, fundamentals oriented students, and minimalists. 


The preferred learning style, according to Honey and Mumford's learning style, refers to the theorists. We, as theorists, try to adapt and integrate the observations into logical yet complex theories. The theorists prefer to rely on the models, theories, and concepts while engaging in the learning process. Background information, stories, and theories are the fundamentals they rely upon while drawing new information. 

Dolnicar, in his article, has suggested six types of attenders to lecture and understand their attendance pattern (Mearman et al. 2014). According to the types suggested, I feel I have a pragmatism and theorist mix in learning new concepts and theories. Although I do not accept disorder or uncertainty, I like to test things and new concepts practically and with technical orientation. 


In conclusion, it may be suggested that the Honey and Mumford theory's weakness lies in labelling the people as theorists, or pragmatists or activist without considering that the learner can exhibit more than one strength. The learning styles' development will be rectified by determining the practical way of learning. Business organizations are trending in the digital platform where different learning styles may be applied and accommodated.